Connectivity Solution

Create purposeful employee connections throughout your organization that drive engagement, promotion, and retention.

An organization’s connectivity – represented by the connections among employees – drives a business’ bottom line.

of employees

would leave their employer for one where they feel more connected to colleagues.

Source: 10KC
Increase in Performance

An employee’s network is a 5x better predictor of performance compared to personality, experience, cognitive ability, and education combined.

Source: Contemporary Leadership Advisors

A sense of belonging decreases turnover risk by 50%.

Source: HBR

The world’s top organizations are using 10KC’s Employee Connectivity Solution to build culture and drive engagement. 

"You can see who's connecting naturally, who opts in, how many people they've connected with. We also see who hasn't opted in. That's the kind of person we might spend more time focusing on and encouraging our leaders to connect with […] The technology is so helpful. We can notice trends and make sure employees aren’t getting lost in the shuffle"
Image of Susie Gould
Susie Gould
Deals People Leader at PwC
"Humans are wired to connect and a hybrid work environment shouldn’t impede an employees’ opportunity to connect with others. With hybrid work environments here to stay, companies and leaders need to adapt and symbiotically enable employee connections in an easy and automated way."
Image of Karissa Bussard
Karissa Bussard
Global Senior HR Partner of Digital Technology, GE
at 10KC’s Virtual Innovator Coffee Series Webinar

An all-in-one employee Connectivity experience

Leverage our mix of 1:1 and group learning sessions to intentionally strengthen your talent’s networks, break down silos, and foster a sense of belonging.

Smart-Match Networking

Automatically match employees with peers, leaders, and mentors to build the network they need to feel connected.

Easily break the ice with guides that keep ideas and conversations flowing.
Learn more about Introductions

Group Learning Experiences 

An interactive format for leaders, experts, and employees to align on leadership objectives and gain learning and development opportunities. 

Ensure purposeful connections and conversations with solution templates curated to your audience’s interests.
Learn more about Office Hours

Mentoring Programs

Our guided coaching and leadership mentoring programs, suitable for both 1:1 and group mentoring, including research-based curriculums and resources designed to ensure meaningful development experiences.Already have a great mentorship program? Use our platform to deploy it at scale.
Download program brochure

Employee Connectivity programs for all your priority talent groups.

Hybrid & RTO Work Environments

Create better watercooler conversations and foster inclusive gatherings for employees, no matter where they work.


Create a connected workforce today.

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