Management skills development

Manager Effectiveness

Upskill your managers with essential leadership skills through social learning to drive manager effectiveness and team productivity.

Invest in manager development: Give them the skills to excel in their roles and lead a productive team.


of employees have quit a job because of their manager

Source: DDI

Managers account for at least 70% of the variance in employee engagement scores

Source: Gallup

Managers who participated in peer learning groups experienced a 28% increase in leadership effectiveness compared to those who did not participate

Source: Journal of Applied Psychology
"We know it's true that mentorship is the way that we share learning and culture and build leadership capacity. So let's get there faster. And this is a tool that I've seen in action that allows us to be agnostic to geography, be indiscriminate to time, and to force ourselves to put a series of criteria on the table that we're going to hold ourselves to because we know that the things we've been doing forever are not working to get us to where we need to get to."
David Simmonds
SVP, Global Chief Communications and Sustainability Officer, Canada Life

How 10KC Helps Organizations Drive Manager Effectiveness

Developing effective managers is critical for organizational success. But traditional training methods often fall short in cultivating essential soft skills, leveraging institutional knowledge, and building relationships–especially within distributed teams.

Accelerate manager skills development by pairing people leaders with peers and experienced mentors

Our highly customizable, intelligent matching algorithms offer an unlimited number of parameters to provide the best quality matches for mentors and mentees, ensuring your participants get the most relevant hands-on guidance and insights.
Learn more about smart matching algorithm

Drive manager excellence with proven, SME-backed programs

10KC’s Manager Effectiveness Program offers a structured curriculum with practical and repeatable toolkits, focusing on vital skills like creating a psychologically safe team environment and developing high-performing teams. This empowers people managers with the knowledge and abilities to become confident and effective managers in remote, in-person, or distributed teams.
Download Solution Overview

Nurture a culture of leadership by engaging your community

10KC's community-driven approach leverages social learning to provide managers with a holistic, real-world development experience. Through Mentoring Programs (1:1 and group), Networking Programs, and Group Learning Sessions, managers gain insights, adopt best practices, and tackle shared challenges. This fosters accelerated learning and cultivates a stronger, more consistent leadership style across your organization.
Learn more about Group Learning Sessions

Track progress and make data-driven decisions with centralized dashboard

Effortlessly measure program impact with 10KC's automated feedback and insightful analytics. Gather qualitative data and track participant progress before and after the program.
Learn more about Data Dashboard

Key skill outcomes of the program

  • Personalized learning pathways for skills development
  • Understanding Your Management Style
  • Creating Psychologically Safe Environments
  • Leading with Empathy
  • Effective Decision Making
  • Team Prioritization
  • Coaching Skills
  • Productive Delegation
  • Driving Employee Accountability
  • Developing Employees Professionally
  • Effective Performance Conversations
  • How to Beat Burnout

Achieve Manager Excellence with 10KC

Request a demo to see how 10KC helps organizations boost manager effectiveness, grow emerging leaders, and drive productivity, performance, and retention.
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How it works

Mentorship Programs
Create guided 1:1 mentorship programs with structured curriculums and resources tailored to your business goals.

Already have a great mentorship program? Use our platform to deploy it at scale.
Group Mentoring with Office Hours
An interactive format for leaders to provide group mentorship to employees.

Office Hours also provides employees opportunities to learn from subject matter experts to drive critical skill development.
Smart Match Introductions
Automatically match employees with peers and leaders to build the network they need to feel supported. 

Easily break the ice with conversation guides that keep ideas and conversations flowing.

Sample Mentoring Program

We curate your mentorship program and ensure success using our Discussion Guides, Program Toolkits and Competency Building Resources. 

Sample 6 Week Mentoring Program

Session 1: Getting to Know Each Other & Setting Goals

Session 2: Identifying Barriers to Career Growth
Session 3: Working with Others
Session 4: Embracing Change
Session 5: How to Stand Out
Session 6: Reflection & Next Steps

Other Mentorship Programs

Black Professionals
LGBTQ+ Professionals Program
Women in Leadership Program
and more

Key Mentorship Program Outcomes

At 10KC, we pride ourselves on delivering a solution that drives measurable outcomes.

Mentee Outcomes
  • Skill Development
  • Enterprise Understanding
  • Career Development
  • Role Effectiveness
  • Cross-Team Collaboration
  • Access to Senior Leaders
  • Connection to Colleagues
  • Connection to Company
  • Sense of Belonging
Mentor Outcomes
  • Mentorship Made Easy
  • Rewards Participants
  • Sponsor Identification
Learn more about our
Mentorship Solution
Our overview covers the key program themes and what's included

Take your mentorship program from burdensome to best in class

"The modern approach to mentoring is leveraging technology. Oftentimes mentoring programs are pen to paper, or Excel files - it's a manual process. With Ten Thousand Coffees' smart algorithms and data matching we have an opportunity to capitalize in a really meaningful way, and embed this in our wider talent management systems. We're able to track progress and success."
Elizabeth Nelson
Director, Diversity & Inclusion, Thomson Reuters
“It went from mentorship in smaller pockets across the company to a business-centered, application-based program that focused on creating visibility and career development opportunities for both mentees and mentors.”

Crystal Neill
Senior Program Manager of Global DEI Development, Nike

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